Como alternar entre dois diretórios na linha de comando do Linux


Se você estiver trabalhando com arquivos no Terminal e alternando entre dois diretórios, vamos economizar algum tempo. Existe um comando de atalho que permite alternar entre dois diretórios na linha de comando.

Primeiro, como de costume, mude para o primeiro diretório digitando o seguinte comando no prompt e pressionando Enter.

CD Primeiro / Diretório /

Onde First/Directory/ é o nome do diretório para o qual você deseja mudar.

You can also use tab completion to enter the directory name by typing a few characters in the name and then pressing Tab to finish entering the name.


Now, we want to switch to a second directory, so we use the cd command and tab completion again.


Now, instead of typing the first directory name to go back to that directory, you can type the following command at the prompt and press Enter.

cd -

That’s simply the cd command followed by a space and then a dash. The name of the directory you’re toggling to displays and then you’re taken to that directory.


To toggle back to the second directory again, use the cd - command again.


You can also press the up arrow key once to access the last command used from the command line history, which in this case was cd -. So, at this point, to toggle back and forth between these two directories, all you do it press the up arrow key and Enter. That’s quicker than typing out the path each time, even when you use tab completion.

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