Categories: Tecnologia

Amazon Luna: Your Prime Membership Now Has Game Streaming

Amazon Luna launch

Amazon Luna, the cloud-based video game streaming service, has officially launched to everyone in the United States. Not only that, but Amazon is adding free games to the service for Prime members, which is yet another reason to sign up for Prime.

“Luna, Amazon’s cloud gaming service that enables customers to quickly and easily play games on the devices they already own, is now available in the mainland US,” said Amazon in a blog post.

Anyone in the United States can access the reasonably-large library of games on Fire TV, Fire tablets, Windows PCs, Chromebooks, Macs, iPhones, Android phones, and iPads. Most games are part of one of the monthly subscriptions.

If the idea of streaming games interests you, there’s a good chance you own a device that’ll run the service. And because it’s from the cloud, it doesn’t matter how powerful the device is.

Luna divides the games into six different channels, each of which has different sorts of games. There’s the Prime Gaming Channel, Retro Channel, Jackbox Games Channel, Luna+ Channel, Family Channel, and Ubisoft+ Channel.

The Prime Gaming Channel features a rotating selection of free games for Prime members. Currently, it has Devil May Cry 5, Observer: System Redux, PHOGS!, and FlashbackImmortals Fenyx Rising is also coming, but it’ll only be playable from March 8-14, 2022. It’ll be interesting to see if Amazon can compete with the freebies offered by services like PlayStation Plus and Xbox Games with Gold.

Amazon is also offering discounts on Luna+ and the Family channel. For all of March, you can get Luna+ for $5.99 per month and the Family Channel for $2.99 per month, which is a decent discount off the regular price.


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