Categories: Tecnologia

Which Apple Watches Support Fitness+?

apple fitness+ preview image

Apple Fitness+ is “powered by the Apple Watch,” but not all Watches support it. Here’s which Apple Watch you need to use Apple’s fitness service.

Supported Apple Watch Models

To use Apple Fitness Plus, you need an Apple Watch Series 3 or newer, running watchOS 7.2 or later. This means the following models support Fitness+:

  • Apple Watch Series 3
  • Apple Watch Series 4
  • Apple Watch Series 5
  • Apple Watch Series 6
  • Apple Watch SE

Apple Watches released in 2021 and beyond will also support the app. Unfortunately, Apple Fitness+ doesn’t work with the Apple Watch (1st Generation), Apple Watch Series 1, or Apple Watch Series 2.

How to Find Out Which Apple Watch You Have

If you’re unsure which Apple Watch you have, the model number is printed on the back of the case. You can also find out in your Watch’s Settings.

RELATED: How to Tell Which Apple Watch You Have

Why Doesn’t Apple Fitness+ Support Older Watches?

While the Series 1 and Series 2 Apple Watches both have heart rate monitors, support and updates for them ended this year. This means they can’t be upgraded to watchOS 7, and therefore, don’t support Fitness+.

The Series 2 debuted in September 2016, so by the time Apple released Fitness+, that model was already more than four years old.

Apple Fitness+ has a one-month free trial for anyone who already owns an Apple Watch Series 3 or later. If you bought your watch after Sept. 15, 2020 (or you buy one soon), you received a three-month free trial of Apple Fitness+.

For more info, check out our full guide on how to get started with Apple Fitness+.

RELATED: How to Get Started With Apple Fitness+


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